Sorry for the delayed post. Taking a break from homelessness requires more time than being homeless. The song of the day today is "When the Levee Breaks" performed by some old guy.
I had to do some grocery shopping yesterday and I stopped by the library on my way back to Tent City. The Doctor was outside breathlessly explaining something to a security guard and another homeless man. "After the bill is passed in the House, it goes to the Senate for approval" he says. "Now the Senate can do one of two things: Pass it, or vote it down." The other homeless man seems surprised by these two choices. "Oh REALLY?!" he exclaims. I guess he was thinking that the options would be to either pay it or not pay it, and I hope that The Doctor doesn't realize this and start all over. It doesn't seem to faze him, and he goes on explaining the process of the former option and states that the governor can veto the bill, sending it back to Congress. I'm certain that the other homeless man thinks that V-Toe is a medical ailment which exempts the sufferer from paying bills when he says that his wife received government disability before she passed away. It's a good thing The Doctor does not mind if his audience is getting what he's saying and he keeps explaining how a bill becomes a law. Many conversations between homeless people make no sense at all.